Fee Schedule
Fees and Charges
The Medical Services Plan of BC (MSP) covers most necessary medical services for BC residents.
MSP does not cover Complete Physicals where no disease or symptoms are present (because such checkups are of no benefit), completion of forms, medicolegal or employment forms, drivers’ medicals, some immunizations, and a few other things.
Please check with us for fee amounts when booking an appointment if you need something that is not covered by MSP, or if you are not covered by MSP.
As a guide, please see our fees and charges (subject to change).
Typical Fees
Insurance (disability, travel, time off, etc.) $50
Disability Tax Credit application $50.00
School/work time off $40
Government EI forms $45
Parking permit form $25
Handi-dart application $25
Employer’s form $40
Doctor’s note/letter $40
Complete examination (not covered by MSP for healthy persons) $160
Driver’s Medical Examination $95
Participatory fitness for sports team/camp $40
Transfer/personal request of records $36
Missed appointment charge $45
We ask for two weeks for the completion of forms.